Tuesday, 5 September 2017



The future belongs to urban forestry. Today the farmers use chemicals in the fields which make the agro products greatly adulterated. The farmers are made to understand that crops can be raised only by using chemical fertilizers, and lost their roots in organic farming. So there is every need for towns and cities to focus on urban forestry and promotes herbal and medicinal plants. Gardens and trees help in reducing the temperature and controlling pollution. #http://www.pragatigreenliving.com/

Regarding gardening, every house is to be designed in such a way as per Vasthu. Vasthu means to develop constructions as per the direction of light, wind and water. The wind should move in the direction of carrying aroma of the plants into the house. Each house should be directed to realize proper flow of air and light. Water should be located towards the North i.e. Ashtadhikpalakas, a system given to which side of the house what should prevail. This knowledge is the one which we have lost, and which we have to revive. Some pertinent questions like why to North East bigger trees are not planted are answered by Vaasthu.

Indoor plants are being neglected totally. The inside of the house is painted with chemical-based paints. The lead and other chemicals in paint may cause many diseases. Even the AC in the house promotes bacteria and virus. So not only at homes but also in hospitals esp. Intensive Care Units (ICU) patients are not able to recoup post trauma and surgery. Hospital based diseases are on the rise, asthma and bronchitis are also on the rise. So, medicinal and herbal indoor plants are the only answer for all health problems.

Plants at the road sides have to be useful and withstand the vagaries of weather viz. heavy rain and strong winds. Now, we find roads blocked due to branches and trees breaking and uprooted by storms. This leads to frequent road jams, the electric and TV cables cut and the fall-out evident as long blackouts and disruption of normal life. Trees instead of protecting us have become a hazard for people and traffic on the roads. Pragati Resorts Hyderabad provides the right kind of plants for every purpose and those that we need for the future. The practice to grow useless plants from waste seeds needs to end.

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